Diet Beloved attracts with its simplicity and accessibility. No calorie counting and exotic food! Choose the one that suits you best and lose 15 kg in just one week!
Cheap and very effective diet Favorit fully justifies its name - it is one of the most popular methods of rapid weight loss for both women and men, allowing you to lose from 7 to 15 kg in a week, depending on which option there isis chosen. The result also depends on how many "extra" kilos you have - if the weight is not too different from the norm, then you will most likely not be able to get rid of 10 kg, the difference in weight before and after undergoing diet will be from 3to 4 kg.
Ration "Favorite" diet
As we said above, the diet is planned for seven days. The effectiveness of the program is explained by the fact that every day is reading. In other words, you let your body rest from food that is hard to digest, not for one or two days as it usually does, but for a whole week. Every day, a new diet puts the body in a state of controlled stress. He has to adapt daily to the treatment of various nutrients, which leads to active burning of fat reserves, with which extra centimeters disappear.
Your favorite diet is not balanced due to the limitation of many products. Therefore, in order for the body to tolerate changes in nutrition less painfully, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Take vitamin and mineral complexes;
- Minimize physical activity. It is better to walk in fresh air more often;
- Water is the source of life. But it is not worth drinking indefinitely. For example, it is better not to drink water before and immediately after meals.
The course of the program is presented by alternating days: 1, 3 and 6 - drinking days, 2 - vegetables, 4 - fruit, 5 - protein, 7 - mixed.
The first day is drunk.
The drinking day menu should look like this:
- Kefir. Most weight losers prefer low-fat kefir or a low-fat product. This choice is not entirely correct. The intake of fat during the diet is reduced to the minimum values. The amount of fat in kefir can hardly be called critical to the body. Do not be afraid to drink kefir with high fat content.
- Juice. It is better to prefer freshly squeezed juice. Store-bought - usually contains only sugar and dyes. When drinking large amounts of apple and lemon juice, dilute them with water. Excessive consumption of acidic juices leads to diseases of the dental and digestive system.
- Broth. It is better to cook them on lean poultry meat: chicken, quail, turkey and drink hot. The use of hot or cold broth is bad for the stomach.
- Mineral water. Mineral water helps maintain the gut microflora. Choose non-carbonated water that contains a large amount of trace elements.
- Dairy products.
- Compote.
- Kissel.
- Warm drinks. Tea, cocoa - you can. Coffee - only in small portions.
Water helps speed up the metabolism and remove harmful substances from the body. But you should not get carried away because the perception that a person should drink about two liters of water a day is wrong. The daily rate is individual for each organism. It is derived from a ratio of 30 ml per. 1 kg body weight. In addition, there are other factors that affect the amount of water consumed. When to increase your fluid intake:
- Weather. In hot weather it is worth increasing the amount of water consumed by 2-3 glasses because. sweating increases.
- Diseases. During the disease period, the fluid quickly removes toxins from the body.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Such measures will help maintain the metabolism at the right level.
- Diarrhea and vomiting. These conditions lead the body to dehydration. Increasing water is the only right solution to restore water balance and compensate for fluid consumption.
Drinking plenty of water is not always beneficial, and sometimes even dangerous. For example, it is scientifically proven that a one-time consumption of three liters of water can lead to vomiting, dilation of the walls of the stomach, leading to internal bleeding due to tissue rupture.
Overhydration (increased water intake over a short period of time) leads to an imbalance between potassium and sodium, which flushes them out of the body too quickly. Because of this, tissue edema develops, leading to death due to decreased activity in the brain and lungs.
All other liquid foods during the diet should also be consumed in reasonable amounts.
The second day is vegetables. It is worth noting that potatoes do not belong to diet products: due to the large amount of starch. Almost all diets are aimed at removing this polysaccharide from the diet which carries no more than extra pounds.
The menu should consist of stewed, cooked, fresh vegetables. Experts recommend giving up salt. If eating fresh food is unusual and tasteless, you can use natural spices.
The mass of a meal should not exceed 300 g. The daily number of meals is five. Completely exclude mayonnaise, ketchup. Try to heat treat food less.
Give preference to the following vegetables:
- Cucumbers are almost exclusively liquid. Extra calories are not included, but there are many useful substances, trace elements.
- Tomatoes are an excellent prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Cabbage is a natural fat burner.
- Roots.
- Zucchini, eggplant.
The main course on the second day is a salad consisting of a variety of vegetables. As a dressing, you should prefer vegetable oil. A good option is flaxseed, rich in useful Omega-3 acids.
The third day is the same as the first, to drink.
The fourth day is fruit.
From the name, it is clear that you will need to consume a large amount of fruits and berries. Of these, you can afford everything your heart desires, especially if the season is for fresh fruits and berries.
The best fat burners are pineapple and grapefruit. Be sure to include apples in your diet. They contain fiber and pectin, which help cleanse the body. Grapes are a product with a fairly high calorie content. But with a mono-diet, due to dietary restrictions, a strong calorie deficit is created, so that even grapes can not exceed the norm. Eating bananas not only helps to diversify the diet but also improve the mood. After all, they include serotonin, known by the people as the "happiness hormone. "
The fifth day is protein.
Let the body feel free after so many days of limitation. Try to eat several times a day in small portions. It is allowed to use proteins of both vegetable and animal origin. Limit your intake of foods that contain carbohydrates. Protein in large quantities will help the body dry out and replenish "building material" for the muscular system.
It is important to monitor the drinking regime. During protein degradation, a large amount of toxins and slag are formed, the active removal of which is facilitated by water. Tea, coffee, juice - not recommended due to the content of simple carbohydrates that are soluble in them. And tea and coffee, even without additives, can retain excess fluid in the body.
Protein sources:
- White meat cooked.
- Fish, steamed or boiled.
- Fish and shellfish.
- Boiled chicken eggs.
- Natural yogurt, without additives, dyes, flavor enhancers.
Feel free to combine the recommended ingredients to prepare delicious dishes.
The sixth day is again "drinking".
The seventh day is balanced.
On the last day of the diet, you can eat all the foods that have been in the diet all week. A person can combine the ingredients in any variation. For seven days with such nutrition, up to 10 kg can easily go away. To consolidate the result, it is better to eat this balanced diet for a few more days.
Most of the ladies who lose weight, after strict gastronomic bans, "collapse on the zhor. " To avoid such a breakdown, remember the main rules of the correct way out of the diet:
- Breakfast is oatmeal or two chicken eggs.
- Lunch time - vegetable soup.
- The other is chicken fillet with a vegetable bowl.
- Dinner is a light salad.
Kefir, yogurt, fresh fruit are perfect as snacks. Observe the drinking regime.
Recipes for dishes
Even for the seven- and ten-day Beloved diet, where the list of permitted dishes is very limited, the daily diet can be varied. On vegetable and fruit days you can make prefabricated salads, mashed potatoes and juices, on protein days you can prepare baked meat or steamed chops. When you use 2, 3 and 4 week options, you can already prepare hearty, tasty and satisfying meals and lose weight with pleasure.
fish cakes
Make minced meat from the fish fillet, add finely chopped onion, a little black bread soaked in milk, add a little salt, mix and form large balls. Put in a mold, add a spoonful of vegetable oil, pour water or tomato juice, sprinkle with dill. Cook in the oven or microwave.
Braised cabbage with meat
Chop white cabbage, chop. Slice lean beef with a little salt, season with a gentle curry, simmer until half cooked in vegetable oil. Then mix with cabbage and finely chopped onion, add a little water and cook on low heat for about half an hour.
Belarusian soup
Cut chicken fillet, potatoes, sweet pepper, onion into small cubes. Pour in water and cook until done. Before taking the pan off the heat, pour in a thin stream while stirring the egg whites into the soup and salt lightly. Serve with greens. A serving of soup requires 0, 5 liters of water, 1 small potato, 1 onion, half a pepper, a piece of carrot.
Pea cream soup
Soak the peas in water for 2-3 hours, then cook until soft. At the end of cooking, add grated carrots sautéed in a small amount of sunflower oil and a pinch of turmeric. Cool, grind in a blender. Serve with dill greens.
Zucchini caviar
Grate the zucchini after removing the skin. Boil in its own juice for about half an hour, remembering to stir, cool slightly and rub through a sieve. Saute onion and a little grated carrot with a little sunflower oil, mix with zucchini puree and let it simmer for 5 minutes, add a little salt.
Hot sandwich with meat and cheese
Place a piece of cooked meat and a few circles of pickled cucumber on a slice of bran bread, cover with a thin layer of hard cheese on top. Put in the microwave or oven for a few minutes. The cheese should melt but not spread.
Apples baked with cinnamon and honey
Wash the apples, remove the core and cut off the top lightly. The skin does not need to be cleansed. Mix a spoonful of honey with crushed cinnamon and pour in the apples. Cover the mold with foil, put apples in it, bake in the oven for about half an hour. Serve chilled.
Fruit salad with yogurt
Peeled apples, kiwi and tangerines cut into small cubes. Arrange the fruit mixture in bowls, pour low-fat yoghurt over and garnish with chopped orange peel.
Fruit canape "Peacock"
Pears, peaches, kiwi, pineapple cut into large cubes, dry with a towel and pulled on wooden or plastic skewers. Place half of the orange with the cut side down on the dish - it will be the bottom of the canapés. Insert the skewers of fruit with a sharp end into the orange and try to make it symmetrical.
Diet rules "beloved"
Choose the duration of the diet: 7 or 14 days. Carefully adhere to the chosen schedule. You can make your own diet from the allowed list of products. The most rigorous and at the same time productive day is to drink. In order to overcome difficulties with such severe dietary restrictions, you must have a strong desire and motivation.
It is not recommended to use salt and sugar because the first retains fluid in the body and the second is the cause of obesity. Although a longer diet already allows the use of salt in minimal amounts. Sugar can be replaced with honey. Prohibited foods are sour cream, animal fats and artificial sauces. The use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. The exception is dry red wine, which is the main component on the seventh day of the "hard version" of this diet.
Before going on a diet, it is recommended to consult a specialist for contraindications, development of possible side effects, allergic reactions.
Changing the usual menu to a diet is not recommended in the following cases:
- during pregnancy;
- during breastfeeding and feeding;
- increased pressure;
- with diabetes;
- in chronic and acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- with daily physical activity, sports;
- with severe stress;
- with kidney disease, dialysis;
- with liver dysfunction;
- after surgery in the abdominal cavity.
Hard version of your favorite diet 7 days
The human body is individual. Not everyone can fit the classic version of the technique. If you tried it and did not get the desired result, we recommend trying a harder program.
Difficult option:
- 1, 2 days - drink. A weight loss person drinks only water and kefir in unlimited amounts.
- Day 3 - apple. It is allowed to replace apples with oranges. Observe the drinking regime.
- 4, 5, 6 days - chicken. Part of the diet is boiled chicken breast. Salt, spices are not allowed.
- Day 7 - alcohol. An unusual way, but effective. It is allowed to use
Completely or partially restricted products
Unfortunately, or nonetheless fortunately, but the list of forbidden foods applies to absolutely every day of the diet. Incidentally, it would be ideal to expand a similar list to your future diet. So do not drink soda in any case. Cola, lemonade, iced tea of the brand will never quench your thirst like plain water. Such drinks can only add a few extra inches to the waist and sides due to the sugar, of which there is a lot.
Avoid canned vegetables and fruits. Maybe they are able to provide the necessary saturation and energy, but at the same time you will receive sugar, salt, preservatives and harmful additives that are unnecessary for your figure.
The same goes for canned meat, smoked meat, semi-finished products: Besides you never know what quality and origin this meat is, there is also salt, sugar and all kinds of preservatives, flavor enhancers and flavorings. .
Under modern conditions, it is extremely important to build your diet from the freshest products that have undergone minimal processing. In this respect, this diet is an excellent opportunity to change your eating habits: get rid of salty, fried, lightly-prepared semi-finished products and finished products that only need to be heated.
And of course, the "Favorite" diet imposes a ban on sugar. Now there are many sweeteners, for example, stevia is a natural sweetener of vegetable origin, which is 4-5 times sweeter than sugar. If you really need sweetness, buy such a healthy "sugar" and add it to tea, coffee, cottage cheese, kefir and in the future - to cakes.
Trial menu for 7 days of the beloved diet
Every day in the program, a person uses a particular product. Recommended meals can be consumed in reasonable amounts. The break between meals should not be more than three hours.
Drinking days: broth, milk or kefir, yogurt, green tea, fresh juice, non-carbonated mineral water.
Vegetable day: all vegetables except potatoes, salad.
Fruit day: any fresh fruit (bananas, apples, kiwi, pineapple)
Protein day: white meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, soy, nuts.
Balanced day: a combination of the above products.
Approved products
Within the "Favorite" for each day, there is a certain list of permitted products, which most often should not be used on another day.
So only liquids are allowed on drinking days: compotes and fruit drinks without sugar, milk, kissels, fruit and vegetable smoothies, kefir, natural yogurt. It is allowed to add carrots, onions, peppers to chicken broth during cooking, for saturation, but the broth itself should be consumed without vegetables. To make drinking days not only "difficult" and "unbearable", but also effective, it is also recommended to drink homemade ginger and lemon-honey water, green smoothies from celery, green.
During vegetable days you can eat almost any vegetable, giving more preference to foods with negative calorie content, whose digestion the body uses much more energy than it receives with them: cabbage, cucumbers, celery, asparagus, peppers, zucchini, carrots, eggplant. Vegetables can be eaten raw, stewed and as part of chicken soup. The exception is potatoes as they do not have much benefit for weight loss.
During fruit days, you should also pay attention to fruits and berries with negative calories: plums, blueberries, apples, watermelons, cranberries, currants, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, grapefruit, pineapple, mango, raspberries.
On a protein day, choose foods that are richest in protein: chicken, turkey, chicken or quail egg protein, fish, low-fat cheeses, low-fat cottage cheese, small amounts of lentils, beans.
Helpful Hints
The hardest part is getting through the first day. Due to the difficulty of getting used to the first day, the calorie content is not very limited. Most people find it difficult to exclude solid foods from their diet. Often people are worried about dizziness, loss of strength. Therefore, it is worth refraining from physical activity, exercise. The result of losing weight depends on the first day. Pay particular attention to the mood in which the weight loss program starts. To make it easier to adapt to a diet, gradually reduce your calorie intake beforehand.
The use of meat broth on drinking days significantly reduces the risk of diet breakdown. Broth also has a warming and soothing effect. On their basis you can prepare light soups.
Not all beverages are healthy, for example, it is recommended not to drink store-bought juices that contain a large amount of additives, dyes, flavor enhancers.
Frequent meals on fruit days will help the body cope with hunger.
Protein day - focus on meat, fish, seafood. Minimize your milk protein intake. Lactose is able to retain fluid, leading to a decrease in metabolism. Chicken fillet, shrimp, turkey, chicken eggs are well suited. It is necessary to drink at least two liters of water every day, but it is during the protein period that the control of the fluid regime must be particularly strict.
Proper withdrawal from the diet should be given increased attention. Immediately after the end of the course, you can not throw yourself over food. For example, the first breakfast after diet is best made with a few boiled eggs. For lunch you make a light chicken broth soup. Dinner is better with a light salad. Snacks can consist of fresh fruit.
To maintain the result obtained, monitor the calorie content of the diet for about a month.
You should not go to extremes and deny your body the food you love. Gradually switch to a healthy diet, make it balanced, follow the regimen. That way you avoid stress, do not leave the race halfway, do not lose fat and are proud of the result. The most important thing you need to learn is not a diet or restrictions. Your lifestyle will qualitatively change for the better, and bad eating habits will disappear along with extra pounds when you feel the effect on yourself.
Dietary benefits
- Achieving a quick positive result, which is achieved by introducing the body into a state of stress, which we talked about at the beginning of the article. A very practical option if you need to put the figure in order a few days before an important event.
- Tempering willpower, character. Seven days is a short period. But not everyone can even last a week. People who have walked the path know that the body is controlled by the brain and not the other way around. With a strong desire, you can force yourself to eat right, put your appearance in order. As the song says, "you just have to wish you could get the stars from the sky. "
- Simplicity, accessibility. Dishes are easy to prepare. The price of products is low.
- The stomach gradually gets used to small portions that decrease in size.
- By cleansing the body of harmful substances, toxins and toxins, the appearance and condition of the skin and hair is improved.
For those who love to suffer
The first thing that suffers from malnutrition is the brain. How else to explain the euphoria that follows strict tables close to hunger?
This diet is designed for people who want to eat anything all year round, and then starve for 14 days - and become slim and beautiful. How much you can throw depends on your endurance and starting weight. Most often from 5 to 15.
The effect is achieved thanks to special reading (hungry) days where you only drink fluids. In the evening, it is recommended to take a laxative so that there is certainly nothing left in the intestines.
Cost disadvantages
- possible need to endure severe hunger, especially on drinking days
- the need for great willpower to maintain the necessary diet during the day
- the possibility with high probability of getting unpleasant side effects from the diet: constipation (due to lack of fiber, especially on drinking days), muscle loss (due to lack of protein)
- with a probable loss of muscle mass, a decrease in metabolism occurs and a relapse approaches
- the possibility of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastric ulcer, chronic pancreatitis) due to the uneven change of food load during the day
- imbalance in the diet as a whole: if on average during the week it can be considered well-balanced in terms of protein-fat-carbohydrates, then the balance is quite noticeably disturbed on every single day. Most of all, this diet resembles a cynical medical joke that the average temperature in the hospital is 36. 6 degrees, including the morgue.
- the low adaptability of this diet for long-term use, as a result it is difficult to lose many kilos with its help. Most of all, it is really suitable for use within 1 week to lose 2-4 kg to "get in a skirt for the holidays. " Finally, with this diet, the skills for rational eating behavior are not formed, which means that it willbe very difficult to maintain the weight after its possible reduction. High risk of relapse.
The diet is quite easy to tolerate. If you want, you can make a delicious and varied menu, use a long list of vegetables and fruits.
What do the experts say
The opinions of nutritionists are divided. Some are sure that the diet is quite effective and can help even with significant obesity.
Others believe that most of the diets that are posted online are harmful to health. Their result is weight, which is normalized by reducing not fat but muscle mass. Favorite diet is no exception. Plus, eating every other day seems to many specialists simply ridiculous and absurd.